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line-height: 150%; } /*����*/ .agent_nav, .brand_nav { width: 100%; background: #efefef; float: left; } .agent_nav ul, .brand_nav ul { width: 100%; background: #fff; float: left; } .agent_nav ul li { float: left; width: 33.333%; text-align: center; padding: 3% 0rem; border-right: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; } .agent_nav ul li.on, .brand_nav ul li { border-bottom: none; font-weight: bold; } .agent_nav .message { text-align: center; font-style: normal; padding-top: 2%; } .agent_slider_b { width: 100%; background: #fff; text-align: center; position: relative; display: inline-block; } .agent_slider_b .agent_slider_p { width: 95%; display: inline-block; } .agent_slider_b .agent_slider_p ul li { width: 100%; border: none; } .agent_slider_b .agent_slider_n { width: 20%; position: absolute; bottom: 10%; left: 40%; display: inline-block; } .agent_brand { padding: 2% 2% 0% 2%; background: #efefef; overflow: hidden; float: left; } .agent_brand_list { width: 102%; } .agent_brand_list li { width: 48%; 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font-weight: bold; } .publish_dl ul li .put_pn { width: 49%; margin-right: 2%; padding: 1.6% 2%; background: #DE4700 url("http://img2.qa.chinachugui.com/res/mobile2.0/images/bottom.gif") no-repeat top; color: #fff; border: 0.1rem solid #DE4700; border-radius: 0.1rem; font-weight: bold; } .publish_dl ul li .put_re { width: 49%; padding: 1.6% 2%; background: #999; color: #fff; border: 0.1rem solid #999; border-radius: 0.1rem; font-weight: bold; } /*Ʒ��*/ .brand_nav ul li { width: 50%; float: left; padding: 3%; text-align: center; border-right: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; } .brand_nav ul li.on { border-bottom: 2px solid #de4700; background: #fff; } .barnd_nav ul li.on a { color: #DE4700; } .brand_nav .brand_l { width: 100%; padding: 2% 0% 0% 0%; background: #fff; float: left; } .brand_nav .brand_l ul li { width: 50%; text-align: left; padding: 2% 3%; border-right: none; line-height: 150%; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; background: #fff; } .brand_nav .brand_l ul li span { width: 14%; padding: 0% 1%; background: #999; color: #fff; text-align: center; margin-right: 5%; float: left; } .brand_nav .brand_l ul li span.BG_o { background: #DE4700; } .brand_search, .brand_praise { display: inline-block; } .brand_praise ul li { width: 100%; padding: 2%; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; } .brand_praise ul li.brand_p_no { padding: 0; } .brand_praise ul li a { width: 49%; text-align: center; padding: 2%; } .brand_praise ul li a.more_pl { border-right: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; color: #333; display: inline-block; } .brand_praise ul li a.comment { color: #CC3300; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; } .brand_praise ul li b { width: 100%; line-height: 150%; color: #333; font-weight: normal; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; overflow: hidden; } .brand_praise ul li p { width: 100%; line-height: 120%; } .brand_praise ul li p em, .brand_praise ul li p time { font-style: normal; color: #999; margin-right: 2%; } .brand_praise ul li p a { color: #4391EA; text-decoration: underline; } /*ͼƬ*/ .picture_cl { margin: 0% 3%; } .picture_cl select { width: 47%; border: 0.1rem solid #E1E1E1; border-left: none; padding: 2%; } /*����*/ .search { display: inline-block; } .search em { width: 100%; padding: 0% 2% 2% 2%; font-style: normal; color: #999; } .search_news ul li { width: 100%; padding: 1% 2%; line-height: 220%; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; } .search_news ul li p strong, .search_brand dl dd b strong, .photo_b_s ul li p strong, .brand_search_l ul li b strong { color: #FF3300; font-weight: normal; } .search em b, .agent_nav .message strong { color: #FF3300; } .search_brand dl { width: 100%; padding: 2%; border-bottom: 0.1rem solid #e1e1e1; float: left; } .search_brand dl dt { width: 30%; margin-right: 2%; float: left; } .search_brand dl dd { width: 100%; } .search_brand dl dd b { font-weight: normal; line-height: 200%; } .search_brand dl dd p { width: 100%; line-height: 220%; 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